I'm not a parent, nor do children respond to me like I am a parent. It's a tough situation to be in when trying to get kids to obey and be respectful. I'm at that interesting age where I am an adult, yet often I am not respected as one by children because I am younger and more of a "friend". It bothers me...a lot.
I've cared for lots of different kids over the years and I have to treat each set of kids differently because of how they are raised by their own parents. While something may work with one group of kids, it may backfire on me with another group. It's hard to adjust and very frustrating when kids don't respond in the way you want them to because they are not used to that form of direction. I try to mimmick they way parents raise their kids but sometimes it's not the way I would normally do things or kids just don't respond the same way because I'm not their mom.
When I have my own kids, whenever that may be, my hope is that I will raise them to be respectful of everyone they encounter regardless of their age.
For now I will continue to watch parents to take the bits and pieces of parenting styles I agree with and store them up until I have my own kids.
1 day ago
I have noticed over the past several years that more and more children aren't taught to respect much of anyone. Too many parents seem afraid to confront their children for innappropriate behavior, especially in public. Keep up your expectations that you deserve respect and just don't let those kids get by with anything less regardless of what their parents do :-)
Thanks, Lynn :)
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